Today the developer security company Snyk introduced new product innovations, DigitalOcean and HashiCorp partnerships, and launched Snyk Learn as part of SnykCon 2021.
Snyk Code, which offers a dev-first approach to static application security testing tooling just received support for C#, Ruby, PHP and Go added to Java, Javascript, and Python.
Also, Snyk Open Source offers new language support for Elixir and package managers Yarn 2 and Poetry, native integrations with Atlassian BitBucket and AWS CodePipeline, and much more.
Snyk Container gained expanded container registry support for Quay, Github Container Registry, GitLab, Google Artifact Registry, Harbor, and new support for Trivy open-source container scanning tool with Snyk’s vulnerability database.
Updates were also made to Snyk Infrastructure as Code, Snyk API v3, and Snyk Apps.
The company also partnered up with DigitalOcean to help developers secure containerized applications during development and also introduced an integration to HashiCorp Terraform Cloud, which solves configuration security challenges that arise when delivering infrastructure as code.
The newly introduced Snyk Learn offers bite-sized security lessons in the coding language or ecosystem of their choice for free.
“Developer security is the only way we can effectively scale security, and this great community is what’s making it happen. We look forward to a collaborative, inspiring and fun next two days that helps more of the world’s developers to embrace security and build it into their daily lives,” said Guy Podjarny, the founder and president of Snyk.