Microsoft is teaming up with Brilliant.org to launch an interactive course focused on quantum computing. The course will teach quantum computing and programming in Q#, Microsoft’s quantum-tuned programming language.
Students can implement advanced quantum algorithms in Q# on the web without having to download an IDE. Q# has Python integration within the course, allowing the use of Python for the classical side of an algorithm and Q# to run the quantum side, according to Microsoft’s post.
“Brilliant’s circuit simulator allows self-learners to solve quantum circuit puzzles, peek inside the quantum state at any point along the simulation, and get a feel for the operations that a quantum computer may be able to perform,” Microsoft wrote.
ThousandEyes releases digital experience performance benchmark report
ThousandEyes released its 2019 Digital Experience Benchmark Report designed to explore how key performance indicators can impact user experience. According to the report, while each industry displays performance patterns, setting a minimum Internet Performance Bar should deliver top-tier website performance, regardless of industry.
Other key findings show that performance variations across CDN providers, ISPs and geographies exist in the US and that 60 percent of sites with 1st quartile response times delivered DNS and network performance at or better than the median.
“Internet performance is an under-appreciated yet major contributor to digital experience, and in the battle for customer loyalty, every millisecond matters,” said Alex Henthorn-Iwane, report author and vice president of product marketing at ThousandEyes.
Zendesk announces new developer capabilities
Zendesk’s expansion of Zendesk Sunshine will make it easier to connect siloed data and deliver deep customer insight to advance proactive customer experiences, according to the company’s post.
The expansions include new partnerships, integrations and Zendesk’s acquisition of Smooch, a platform that allows businesses and customers have more personalized and human conversations.
Customers can now leverage open APIs and create solutions with the ability to integrate other applications versus being locked into a closed system.
InNative launched to run WebAssembly
InNative was launched to WebAssembly outside the sandbox, boasting near-native speed, according to an inNative team post. WebAssembly enables developers to use languages other than JavaScript, such as C, C++, Rust, Zig and Go on the web.
“We could break the stranglehold of i386 on the software industry and free developers to experiment with novel CPU architectures without having to worry about whether our favorite language compiles to it,” inNative wrote. “WebAssembly isn’t just a way to run C++ in a web browser, it’s a chance to reinvent how we write programs, and build a radical new foundation for software development. inNative is just a first step towards a new frontier.”