Topic: android

Enterprises take the spotlight at AnDevCon

Third parties show off their Android wares as news that Android moves ahead of BlackBerry comes through … continue reading

Five tips for tablet adoption

Forrester’s Ted Schadler lists ways a business can emphasize the benefits of tablets, by educating, prioritizing, and more … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: iPad 2, Android, mobile platform fragmentation and abstraction

Alan ruminates on Apple’s tight control over its technology vs. Android’s more open nature … continue reading

Developers give their early impressions of the Android Honeycomb OS

Though they like the framework for updates, most prefer to wait for the next iteration … continue reading

Microsoft-Nokia mobile deal could benefit both

Analysts examine this new marriage in light of its potential to challenge Apple’s dominance of the smartphone market … continue reading

RunRev platform adds Android support

The LiveCode compile-free development environment can deploy single codebase across multiple mobile operating systems … continue reading

Rise of the Androids

While the iPhone still dominates the mobile phone market, Android’s broad compatibility is letting it catch up a bit … continue reading

Mining for ad gold in mobile apps

Developers now have to consider the rules and limitations that ad programs have when they develop their own platforms … continue reading

Motiv brings tactile feedback to Android applications

Immersion comes out with a physical feedback system for Android users … continue reading

Bitzer builds an extra layer of data security for mobile devices

Virtualization layer protects companies’ assets in case of lost or stolen phones … continue reading

Mobile becomes video battleground

With no clear choice, developers are forced to dual-encode video apps … continue reading

Android, iPad and Windows Phone 7: Place your bets

A recent survey shows no clear leader among the trio, as developers are looking for the platform that has the longest reach … continue reading Protection Status