Topic: android

Google’s Motorola Mobility buy could ease developer pain points

A standard for Android could eliminate some fragmentation, analyst says … continue reading

Meme Apps launch Meme IDE beta

Environment designed for creating mobile applications that run on multiple platforms … continue reading

Patent system is patently uneven

Google, world’s courts press throw light on the question of whether software patents protect ideas or reduce innovation … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Google to buy Motorola Mobility – it may be a patent play

Google might be calculating that Android will be strengthened by buying Motorola Mobility’s patent portfolio. … continue reading

Google to acquire Motorola Mobility

Move will give Google a dedicated hardware platform for its Android OS, position company to better compete with iPhone … continue reading

Design guidelines seek to aid Android app developers

Third-party UI standards guide goes where official Google docs don’t … continue reading

Google talks up next phone OS at I/O Conference

Ice Cream Sandwich comes with movies, music and USB support … continue reading

Top five things Android has to offer developers

Android has a number of benefits that are either unique or exceptional when compared to other phone OSes … continue reading

From the Editors: Android isn’t going away

The platform will survive Microsoft’s lawsuit, so don’t worry; the Eclipse Foundation has become hugely relevant … continue reading

Android facing yet more legal battles

Oracle lawsuit coupled with new litigation from Microsoft casts a shadow on Android’s future … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Java, the Smithsonian and Android Honeycomb

Android’s success proves that Java’s not dead … continue reading

Oracle adds mobile application framework

New ADF from Oracle abstracts functions and data access layers, allowing for fast construction of BlackBerry and Windows apps … continue reading Protection Status