Topic: autonomous systems

DARPA’s I2O calls for ‘revolutionary’ software development proposals

The U.S. government’s Information Innovation Office (I2O), a subsidiary of DARPA, has released a broad agency announcement calling for “revolutionary research” proposals for software development with two primary objectives: to “empower humans within the information ecosystem,” and to “guarantee trustworthy computing and information.” According to the I2O’s announcement, the office is seeking “unconventional approaches that … continue reading

Chappie: The view from a thinking, feeling, artificially intelligent being

Artificial intelligence is often depicted in films as the scientific floodgate to apocalyptic doom, a “Terminator,” “The Matrix” or “I, Robot” scenario where machines quickly turn on humanity. “Chappie,” the latest sci-fi parable from director Neill Blomkamp, portrays an AI being that learns and interacts with the world in ways that are innately human. “Chappie” … continue reading Protection Status