Black Duck announced today that it has created the Center for Open Source Research & Innovation (COSRI) as a way to give companies and researchers more information on the open-source ecosystem. Open-source components now comprise more than 50% of the average application, according to Black Duck’s director of strategic communications Brian Carter. The company found … continue reading
Black Duck has announced version 3.0 of its open-source security solution, Hub, with increased code-scanning performance and new agile functionality. “Because of its widespread use, open source represents a large ‘attack surface’ where hackers can use (and reuse) vulnerabilities in open-source components to gain access to a large number of systems and sensitive data,” said … continue reading
Open-source software is becoming the backbone of the software development industry, helping to spur innovation, reduce time to market and lower costs. According to Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation, almost every device or piece of software we use today contains some open-source code. “There are hundreds and thousands of products and services … continue reading
Each year, hundreds of open-source projects get started, but only a handful are appealing, interesting or innovating enough to stay for years to come. In order to recognize those that demonstrate significant traction within the developer community, Black Duck has released its seventh annual open-source rookies of the year awards. “I’m always excited about publishing … continue reading
Black Duck’s survery on open-source software adoption reveals some interesting attitudinal shifts … continue reading
Open-source projects reflect continuing trends in those areas … continue reading
A tour of Boston’s high-tech corridor offers a snapshot of the application development market … continue reading
Gaming, social media apps and PaaS projects make Black Duck’s ‘Rookies of the Year’ list … continue reading
Integration supports open exchange of software license information, streamline supply chain collaboration … continue reading
Rapid ID can pick up what kind of open-source software is used in the development stage of a product … continue reading
Companies are increasingly using open source software as a way to leverage proprietary components or services … continue reading
The overall list of projects indicate that cloud development is still garnering interest by open-source developers … continue reading