Topic: code completion

AI-enabled tools might completely change development…one day

While we’re not quite fully there yet, we may not be too far away from AI being a major part of the development process, helping developers eliminate some of the more mundane tasks of coding by suggesting code, autocompleting code, and making other useful suggestions.  According to Chandra Kalle, VP of engineering at LeanTaaS, a … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Nim 0.18.0, IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1, and Learn with Google AI

The Nim Team has announced the latest release of Nim, version 0.18.0. Nim is a systems programming language that focuses on performance, portability, and expressiveness. New features of the release include formatted string literals, testable documentation examples, mapLiterals and new memory manager algorithm. “We have mentioned multiple times that this will be a major release. … continue reading Protection Status