The open source project for deploying, scaling and managing containerized applications is getting a number of new functional improvements in its latest release. Kubernetes 1.8 is the third release of the year, and features security enhancements, workload support and extensibility improvements. In addition, the team says the release includes an increased “project-wide focus on maturing … continue reading
Google is updating its Container Engine with the latest open source release of Kubernetes today. The Google Container Engine is powered by Kubernetes, and enables users to deploy, manage and scale containerized applications. Kubernetes 1.7 was announced last month with a big focus on extensibility and security. “Container Engine is one of the first commercial … continue reading
CoreOS and Docker, along with a group of industry leaders, are determined to create common standards for software containers through the Open Container Project (OCP). The OCP, housed under the Linux Foundation, is designed to provide a standard container format that will allow developers to develop container-based solutions without having to worry about a fragmented … continue reading
VMware has announced two new open-source projects to help enterprise developers create, deploy and manage cloud-native applications. The projects include Project Lightwave and Project Photon. Project Lightwave is an identity- and access-management project that will add a new layer of container security to cloud-native apps. Project Photon is a lightweight Linux operating system designed for … continue reading