Topic: ecmascript

Analyst Watch: 2015 will be a pivotal year for HTML5

In October 2014, some 25 years after Tim Berners-Lee first sketched the outline of what would become the World Wide Web in 1989, the W3C HTML Working Group voted to pass the final “Recommendation” of the Open Web Platform standard known as HTML5. Five releases in 25 years is not a fast pace of evolution … continue reading

AtScript: Google’s new superset JavaScript runtime

Update: As of Google and Microsoft’s new partnership on Angular 2, AtScript will be combined with Microsoft’s TypeScript superset programming language. Google’s continuing quest to improve JavaScript took another step forward with the unveiling of AtScript, a new superset JavaScript runtime type system written into AngularJS 2.0. Rather than create another new programming language—Google has … continue reading

Google releases AngularJS 2.0 designs

Angular 2.0 JavaScript framework will target modern browsers using ECMAScript 6 … continue reading

Tooling in the golden age of JavaScript

While consensus builders try to complete the ECMAScript 6 spec, some big names are vying for maturing JavaScript coders … continue reading Protection Status