Topic: energy

Tech companies are turning to nuclear energy to meet growing power demands caused by AI

The explosion in interest in AI, particularly generative AI, has had many positive benefits: increased productivity, easier and faster access to information, and often a better user experience in applications that have embedded AI chatbots.  But for all its positives, there is one huge problem that still needs solving: how do we power it all?  … continue reading

How software developers will write the future of energy through blockchain

It was 75 years ago this month that construction began on ENIAC, the world’s first digital, programmable, Turing-complete computer. Funded by the U.S. Army and housed at the University of Pennsylvania, its advent unlocked a new technological era for the world. We may now be on the precipice of yet another transformative moment, this time … continue reading

A low-power Wi-Fi system for IoT, an open-source e-book for free, and Ruby on Rails updates—SD Times news digest: Dec. 9, 2016

University of Washington computer scientists and electrical engineers created a Passive Wi-Fi system that demonstrates how it’s possible to generate Wi-Fi transmissions using 10,000x less power than other Wi-Fi chipsets, and 1,000x less power than Bluetooth Low Energy and ZigBee. “Passive Wi-Fi transmissions can be decoded on off-the-shelf smartphones and Wi-Fi chipsets over distances of … continue reading Protection Status