Topic: etl

CData Sync Cloud brings CData’s ETL/ELT tool to the cloud

The data connectivity company CData has announced the release of CData Sync Cloud, a cloud-based ETL/ELT tool that brings the functionality of CData Sync to the cloud. The platform allows customers to replicate data from on-premises to on-premises, cloud to cloud, on-premises to cloud, and cloud to on-premises.  CData Sync Cloud provides integrations with over … continue reading

Guest View: OLAP + OLTP = …PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is a popular open-source OLTP database for systems of record. It’s the fourth most-widely used database in the world, and its popularity has grown more than any other database for three of the last four years in a row, according to the recent DB-Engines database rankings. Despite the widespread use of PostgreSQL by application … continue reading

Staying in sync with your data

Data has become more important than ever as businesses look to gain new insights and bring new value to customers. The problem, however, is an overwhelming amount of data between the tens if not hundreds of SaaS services, databases, and file formats being used.  “If you can’t connect to that data, then you can’t govern … continue reading

Matillion to Double Down on Creating Data Integration Connectors

Cloud-based data warehouse platforms are making it easier for organizations to enable self-service analytics capabilities that tap disparate data sources. Similarly, modern data lakes offered by the large public cloud providers allow developers to create or customize data models on an ad-hoc basis for machine learning, which enables artificial intelligence and automation. In either of … continue reading

Linkapalooza: March 21, 2016

The Linker spent the entire past week playing with weird games, odd controllers, and even stranger nerds. It was a fun conference week, but now is the time to return to painting his astrological chart. Or rather, for him to get you your weekly links. FingerIO… Engineers shouldn’t write ETL… Org Mode for Sublime Text … continue reading Protection Status