Topic: fireeye

Developer proposes io.js reconciliation with Node.js, mobile app security issues, gRPC, and Android Pay API—SD Times news digest: Feb. 27, 2015

Mikeal Rogers, a developer on the io.js team and an active member of the Node community, has posted a proposal on GitHub for reconciliation of the io.js fork with Node.js. Rogers posted an open GitHub proposal entitled “Reconciliation Proposal #978,” laying out preliminary plans for the merger, the technical governance structure, proposed working groups, and … continue reading

SD Times news digest: August 21, 2014—VMware acquires CloudVolumes, FireEye reports Android SSL bugs, Facebook adds Oculus to bug bounty program

VMware acquires desktop application delivery startup CloudVolumes Cloud and virtualization software provider VMware has acquired CloudVolumes, a startup focused on desktop application delivery. CloudVolumes’ platform will enable VMware to build real-time application delivery tools across its end-user, datacenter and hybrid cloud platforms. CloudVolumes virtualizes application-management process above the OS, eliminating the need for virtual machine … continue reading Protection Status