Topic: mobile

New mobile app framework rewrites jQuery

Offering from appMobi is based on HTML5 … continue reading

Network virtualization: A new approach to mobile application testing

In order to best test your mobile applications, you must first understand the conditions they will be operating under … continue reading

Analyst Watch: The end of mobile and the future of client-side development

Microsoft’s embrace of the tablet has already started the shift to the client-side … continue reading

Kik Launches an Open API to Enable Mobile Developers to Bake Instant Content Sharing Into Any App

API-powered developers like Rude Boy Games, DrinkOwl and FlyScreen can promote their apps to millions of Kik Messenger users. … continue reading

Look what 2011 washed in: The year that was in mobile development

SD Times begins its look back at 2011, starting with the continued growth of mobile development … continue reading

From the Editors: Sailing the winds of mobile change

The mobile market is too fluid to rely on just one provider; patents need to go; an overlooked aspect of Steve Jobs’ legacy … continue reading

Industry Watch: Outsourcing the mobile experience

Outsourcing mobile development today is less about finding cheap labor and more about connecting better with customers … continue reading

TechEd: All about clouds and devices

Microsoft introduces new development tools and integration capabilities to ease transition to cloud computing … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: XML, Dot-Coms, Microsoft Dominate Headlines

Just as interesting as looking at the year just passed it to look back a decade and see which stories were top of mind then. … continue reading Protection Status