Topic: movidius

The Whopper Coin, Movidius Myriad X VPU, and DxEnterprise v17 — SD Times news digest: August 29, 2017

Burger King has launched the Whopper Coin in Russia, which uses blockchain technology as a secure system for rewards points. Customers will be able to scan their receipt with a smartphone and will be rewarded with 1 WhopperCoin for every rouble ($0.02) spent on a Whopper sandwich at the fastfood chain. When a user amasses … continue reading

Intel to acquire Movidius, Microsoft’s gag order fight, and Qualcomm and Verizon’s IoT plan—SD Times news digest: Sept. 6, 2016

Intel is looking to extend its depth-sensing technology RealSense in order to enable autonomous machines to see in 3D and understand the environment around them. The company announced it is acquiring Movidius, a computer vision company. “With Movidius, Intel gains low-power, high-performance [system on a chip] platforms for accelerating computer vision applications,” wrote Josh Walden, … continue reading

Nim e-book now available, Google and Movidius team up on deep learning, and creating a Twitter bot with Node.js—SD Times news digest: Jan. 28, 2016

“Nim in Action,” a book about the Nim programming language, is now available. The book introduces the Nim programming language, teaching programmers how to write native software applications and libraries, Web applications, embedded device software, and programs that communicate over the Internet. It explains hands-on examples of how to write test, debug, document and package … continue reading Protection Status