Topic: playwright

JetBrains updates Aqua with support for Playwright and Cypress

JetBrains has announced that its test automation IDE, Aqua, now supports Playwright and Cypress. Both are popular open-source test automation frameworks, and according to JetBrains, they were highly requested by users.  JetBrains first introduced Aqua in November 2022, and the IDE is still currently in active development. It allows QA engineers to develop automated UI … continue reading

Microsoft launches Playwright for Python for automating testing

Microsoft is trying to make it easier for developers to automate their end-to-end tests. The company has announced a preview of Playwright for Python, which allows developers and testers to write such tests in Python.  According to Microsoft, automated end-to-end tests have become more important than ever as teams build apps that run on a … continue reading Protection Status