Topic: python 3 7

Google Cloud adds Python 3.7 in its Second Generation App Engine standard runtimes

Google Cloud has announced the release of its Second Generation App Engine standard runtimes, which it says is a significant update to the platform. Google’s App Engine is a web framework and cloud computing platform for building apps on a serverless platform. This release adds Python 3.7 as one of the available Second Generation runtimes. … continue reading

SD Times news digest: NativeScript 4.0, Mozilla introduces wasm-pack, and Google launches coding app for beginners

The open-source framework for developing native apps with Angular, TypeScript and JavaScript is getting a major released. NativeScript 4.0 features changes to its application root view, flexible frame composition that can be useful for implementing secondary navigation with frames, modal view changes, updated templates, and multiple independent UI components. According to the team, this is … continue reading Protection Status