The R Consortium has announced that IBM is becoming a Platinum member of the project, which indicates that IBM gave a significant investment to the development of the open-source R programming language. R is used by researchers, scientists and analysts for data-analysis purposes. R also provides an interactive environment for data analysis and visualization. IBM … continue reading
Babel 6.0.0 has been released for the JavaScript community, adding tools for the entire community to build upon. According to its blog, the biggest change is that Babel has been restructured to be as “modular as possible,” and its transformers have been rewritten as plug-ins using the same API. Overall, the language processing is easier … continue reading
The Linux Foundation is setting up a new organization dedicated to the R programming language. The R Consortium is designed to advance the analytics and data science language, as well as support both technical and user communities. “Millions of data scientists and academic researchers use R language every day and want to collaborate with their … continue reading