Topic: r language

Columbus Collaboratory and IBM Watson release an open-source R extension

IBM Watson and Columbus Collaboratory, an analytics and cybersecurity company, want to make it easier for data scientists to access and build solutions using the R programming language with IBM Watson. The organizations have unveiled CognizeR, an open-source R extension. “R is decidedly the most popular language used by data scientists for statistical and analytics … continue reading

R Consortium announced IBM is a Platinum member, smartphone sales slowing down, and WhiteSource’s new developer tool—SD Times news digest: June 7, 2016

The R Consortium has announced that IBM is becoming a Platinum member of the project, which indicates that IBM gave a significant investment to the development of the open-source R programming language. R is used by researchers, scientists and analysts for data-analysis purposes. R also provides an interactive environment for data analysis and visualization. IBM … continue reading Protection Status