Self-driving car enthusiasts can join the Udacity-Didi self-driving car challenge, which focuses on a core feature of self-driving cars: the Automated Safety and Awareness Processing Stack (ASAPS). ASAPS identifies stationary and moving objects from a moving car, and it uses data that includes radar objects, camera images and frames, and Velodyne’s point cloud, according to … continue reading
There’s been much talk about how artificial intelligence will benefit society, but what about the potential impacts that AI has when the system is poorly designed and creates problems? This is a question several researchers and OpenAI, a non-profit artificial intelligence research company, tackled in a recent paper. The paper was written by researchers from … continue reading
As an attempt to stop car accidents and free the road of congestion, Volvo Cars is joining other carmakers in establishing an autonomous driving (AD) trial next year in the U.K. The company wants to make sure no one is seriously injured or killed in a new Volvo by 2020, according to a company announcement. … continue reading
Smartphones are a dangerous distraction while driving, and we should be more forceful in making our children put them down … continue reading