Topic: security

Zeichick’s Take: Securing the applications

IBM’s Ryan Berg has written a white paper that lists five vulnberabilities that face application security efforts … continue reading

Short Takes: June 1, 2010

The editors talk about unsafe ATMs, Facebook privacy, Hadoop, and a really cool thing IBM is doing … continue reading

Fortify checks app security before cloud deployment

The Cloud Readiness Scorecard checks for defects and alerts developers of potential problems … continue reading

BSIMM crafts model for building in software security

The BSIMM project gathers security procedures from 30 companies, and has crafted a list of 15 general security points … continue reading

SecurityInsights gives benchmarks for software

The new service from Veracode can perform quick intelligence service checks on software for dynamic or manual testing … continue reading

Why you should broker RESTful Web services with SAML

Layer 7’s Francois Lascelles backs SAML over OpenID for RESTful Web-service security … continue reading

RSA keynote: Lack of security in the cloud breeds distrust

Experts say that until cloud security standards mature and are adopted more widely, adoption will be tepid … continue reading

Fortify, HP give hybrid view of app security

By correlating results of dynamic testing and static code analysis, Hybrid 2.0 offers improved vulnerability resolution … continue reading

Guest View: All the Web’s an API

Mark O’Neill goes over the various ways APIs can help developers manage content and access on their websites … continue reading Protection Status