Topic: shift left

Podcast: From “shift left” to “shift everywhere”

For years developers have been told to shift left, meaning that testing happens at the start of the software development process. The idea behind this is that it’s easier and more cost effective to find and fix an issue earlier on in an application’s life cycle. However, Dylan Thomas, senior director of product engineering at … continue reading

Shifting left with telemetry pipelines: The future of data tiering at petabyte scale

In today’s rapidly evolving observability and security use cases, the concept of “shifting left” has moved beyond just software development. With the consistent and rapid rise of data volumes across logs, metrics, traces, and events, organizations are required to be a lot more thoughtful in efforts to turn chaos into control when it comes to … continue reading

Achieving Security by Design is a question of accountability

The software industry is no longer functional. Last year alone saw over 28,000 new CVEs published, a record rise that perfectly illustrates the ongoing patching crisis facing security and development teams, which are under constant pressure to patch vulnerabilities or risk exposure. In the last 12 months, software vulnerabilities led to over 50 percent of … continue reading

The importance of prevention: How shifting left, static analysis and unit testing create better code quality

Developers are constantly balancing demands to provide quality features of the highest standard at a fast pace. Every aspect of business now relies on software, which means developers are constantly working to write and produce the best software they can. Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) help facilitate the creation of that software, but … continue reading

Quality engineering should be an enterprise-wide endeavor

Everyone, it seems, wants to shift all the steps required to produce and deliver quality, performant software to the left. The assumption is that by asking developers to take on a greater role in quality assurance and security, the cost to remediate problems is lowered by discovering those issues earlier.  The downside of this is … continue reading

Report: Companies prioritize securing open-source components in modern software

The rapid adoption of the cloud has led companies to increasingly secure open-source components in modern software.  The newly released 12th Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM12) report found a 61% increase in software security groups’ identification and management of open source over the past two years.  The report was created by Synopsys, a company … continue reading

The key pillars to a successful shift-left strategy

The shift-left movement is already underway. Organizations can no longer wait to test at the end of the life cycle and hope things are in order before they release into production. Baking quality in from the beginning rather and testing quality later has become a key tenet in today’s software testing initiatives.  A recent report … continue reading

Analyst View: Shift testing left, but bank right

I’ve spent most of my professional life convincing businesses to shift things left — shift-left testing for software, shift-left demand and supply forecasts for supply chains, shift-left analytics to understand future implications earlier than your competition. Hopefully that explains why it seems heretical for me to talk about shift-right testing at all. Will shift-right testing … continue reading

What a successful shift-left security program looks like

In today’s ever-changing world, businesses need to have a strong application security (AppSec) program in order to succeed and survive. Many businesses are taking a shift-left approach to security, moving security earlier in the application life cycle — but this puts a lot of pressure on the development team that is already pressured to move … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Sauce Labs’ new shift-left capabilities, Nintex Workflow Cloud launched, CircleCI privacy enhancements

Sauce Labs announced new shift-left capabilities such as new end-to-end visual testing as well as Sauce Testrunner, which supports a host of developer-preferred test frameworks such as Cypress, Playwright, and TestCafe.  “Successful testing in the DevOps era is about giving developers the optionality and flexibility to work within the frameworks with which they’re most comfortable, … continue reading

Test automation does away with the mundane, and frees up testers for the creative domain

The drastic increase in volume of tests and the speed of software production has necessitated more efficient automated testing to handle repetitive tasks. The growing “shift-left” approach in Agile development processes has also pushed testing much earlier in the application life cycle.  “There is a challenge to testing in the sense that we need to … continue reading

As developers take on the torch for handling security, educational opportunities and metrics can keep the fire going

Security departments used to have the primary responsibility to ensure security goals, but as the pace of development has increased, organizations have shifted security left, which puts some of this responsibility on developers. Proper educational opportunities, a culture shift towards embracing security, and effective use of tooling where it actually counts are the primary ways … continue reading Protection Status