Topic: social networking

Microsoft to acquire LinkedIn for $26.2 billion

Microsoft has announced its plans to acquire the professional social network platform LinkedIn. The two companies have already entered into a definitive agreement at US$196 per share, a $26.2 billion transaction. “The LinkedIn team has grown a fantastic business centered on connecting the world’s professionals,” said Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft. “Together we can accelerate … continue reading

Yammering about development

Years ago, we heard about a movement in software development that was more about individuals and interactions than processes and tools. It was about responding to change and not a rigid plan. Of course, I’m quoting from the Agile Manifesto. Agile development didn’t spring to life overnight, but slowly and over time we’ve adapted as … continue reading

Industry Watch: Is your social strategy working?

Successful community builder Mark Miller devises model for assessing success of social networking … continue reading

Is your social SharePoint strategy working?

Mark Miller has metrics enterprises can use to see what kind of return on investment they’re getting from social networking … continue reading

Industry Watch: SoftCity and the social app store

SoftCity is building a communication bridge between developers and customers, a new avenue in the app-store game … continue reading

Avanade Goes Social with ExpertSource for SharePoint

Avanade’s new social-computing tool to help companies find the right experts for their projects … continue reading

So you want to make a social-networking app

Social-networking companies talk about what drives a successful product and what developers can do to drive interest … continue reading Protection Status