Topic: subversion

Snirt Labs re-imagines SCM

When it comes to collaborating on projects, developers often use version control systems such as Git, Perforce, Subversion and Mercurial. The problem is, not every person on the team is a developer and there are no good user-friendly ways for non-developers to use version control, according to Russ Peardon, cofounder and CTO of Snirt Labs. … continue reading

Serena aims to be a Git and Subversion alternative with updated Dimensions CM

Dimensions CM 14 enables development teams to visualize health and quality of changes made to code … continue reading

TeamForge release puts Git, Subversion on equal footing

Version 6.2 of ALM platform also delivers better agile, reporting and planning features … continue reading

Letters to the Editor: Subversion won’t be a DVCS!

A reader feels misrepresented by one of our stories; another offers an in-depth explanation of Eclipse’s mentoring process … continue reading

Subversion 1.7 release brings performance improvements

New features lay foundation for a new merge capability and an improved HTTP protocol … continue reading

CollabNet brings visualization to SCM

Subversion Edge combines Subversion with Apache’s HTTP Web server and the ViewVC visual repository browser … continue reading Protection Status