Topic: watsonx

IBM THINK: New open source Granite models, watsonx capabilities, and IBM Concert

IBM hosted its annual conference, THINK, this week, and at the event it unveiled its current strategy and vision around AI, along with several innovations to back it up.  One of the points CEO Arvind Krishna touched on in his opening keynote is the desire to invest in and contribute to the open-source AI community.  … continue reading

IBM announces first release of watsonx Granite model

IBM has announced the release of the first models in the watsonx Granite series, which utilize generative AI for language and code tasks.  These models come in various sizes to cater to different business needs and are based on a decoder-only architecture. They can be used to scale AI in various ways, such as generating … continue reading

IBM’s watsonx begins its official rollout

IBM has announced that watsonx is generally available and has begun its rollout to enterprises. Watsonx is an AI and data platform that was first unveiled by IBM at the IBM Think conference in May.  Watsonx consists of three parts:, which is a studio for building foundation models, generative AI, and machine learning, … continue reading Protection Status