Topic: women in tech

Celebrating history’s most influential women engineers for INWED ‘24

The theme of this year’s International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), on Sunday, June 23, is “Enhanced by Engineering,” highlighting the achievements and accomplishments of women engineers.  In alignment with that theme, here is a look at women in computer science and IT throughout history — and today — who have shaped technology as we … continue reading

Girls in Tech’s Adriana Gascoigne: ‘We have a long way to go’

Another day, another headline highlighting gender equality and diversity in the tech workplace. The most recent story? A leaked 10-page screed from a Google engineer who insists that women in the tech workplace are not underrepresented because of bias and sexism, but because of “inherent psychological differences between men and women.” Yet, companies like Uber, … continue reading

Amazon Alexa comes to Pebble Core, Y Combinator backs Women Who Code, and EFF opposes CFAA bill—SD Times news digest: June 3, 2016

Pebble has announced that Amazon Alexa is integrating with Pebble Core, which means Amazon’s voice services will go to a fully independent, 3G-connected wearable device for the first time. Pebble Core backers on Kickstarter will get to experience Alexa first on Pebble’s wearable device, which will start to ship in early 2017. “Experiencing Amazon Alexa … continue reading

Lauri Saft: From the Air Force to IBM

During her time at the Air Force Academy in the early 1990s, Lauri Saft would look at her squadron and see nearly every seat filled by a man. (Indeed, the ratio of men to women was about 10:1.) She learned early on not to see “men versus women,” but to value the unit as a … continue reading

SD Times Blog: A tale of two code camps for girls

A lot of the news out of Dreamforce was on new products and services, but things also got a little real when Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, and Jessica Alba, actress, had a “fireside chat” on getting women into tech. As reported by Tess Townsend, among other topics, the two “also spoke about how they … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Google is providing free coding lessons for women and minorities

Google is partnering with Code School to offer three free months of coding lessons for women and minorities … continue reading Protection Status