Tuleap, a Libre and open-source platform for software development and agile management, wants to help agile teams build on engineering practices like code reviews, Continuous Integration and regular release delivery. Its latest release of Tuleap 9 introduces several new features so everyone, not just the developers, can create software together as a team.

Some of the key features of Tuleap 9 help software teams save time and improve productivity by cutting down on back-and-forth switches between project-management and development tools, according to Manon Midy, marketing manager for Tuleap. She said that with Tuleap 9, teams can spend their time building software instead of copy/pasting issue statuses or awaiting their administrator’s approval.

Also with Tuleap 9 is an easy-to-use kanban tool, which allows teams to create task boards on the fly. It also limited works in progress by organizing daily work and making the need for prioritization and focus clear, said Midy.

(Related: Agile means pushing testers out of their comfort zone)

“Tuleap Kanban has been used in many departments of organizations [like] software development, IT , R&D, human resources, sales and marketing, and so on,” said Midy. “By putting flow as the cornerstone of any activity, Tuleap Kanban boards keep teams focused on incremental value over starting new things.”

This new release also provides Scrum and kanban workspaces within the same platform. Since no agile team works in the same manner, they can use the particular tools that work best for them, said Midy.

Tuleap 9 comes with production-scale Git, which means teams can scale up with Git so it tailors to their workflow with branch-level permissions. And Tuleap 9 provides ready-to-use agile templates for companies that are taking the first steps to an agile practice.

Midy said it’s important for teams to avoid falling into the trap of working in silos or using multiple tools, which is why Tuleap 9 allows teams both large and small to work with an integrated solution for agile management, tracking, versioning, code review, testing and software releases.

For Tuleap 10, the team will focus on developing a completely new user interface, one that is intuitive and has a “slick design,” said Midy. It will also provide teams with a test and validation tool. Tuleap 10 is expected to be released in the spring of 2017. Until then, Tuleap will continue to update version 9 once a month.