GitHub this week introduced a handy-dandy trending feature, enabling users to see which projects are hot. Here’s a look at the top projects trending on the site this week:
#1: Gumbo
Posted by Google, this pure-C HTML parser implements the HTML5 parsing algorithm as a C99 library with no outside dependencies. Tested on more than 2.5 billion pages from Google’s index, Gumbo is relatively lightweight and fully conformant with the HTML5 specification; boasts a simple API; and has support for source locations. Gumbo is designed to serve as a building block for other tools and libraries such as linters, validators, templating languages, and refactoring and analysis tools.
#2: Medium.js
Written in JavaScript by Jacob Kelley, Medium.js overrides many default keyboard events and substitutes a more cross-browser-compliant way to interact with content-editable elements. Use the Medium JS library and CSS to keep HTML code semantic, simple and cleanly organized. Medium.js is also library-independent, allowing rich text editing, hotkeys, placeholders, events and automatic HR creation. Kelley also touts it as an alternative to input, great for writing articles, comments or titles.
#3: HTML.js
A small, extensible JavaScript library allowing for simple, direct use of the Document-Object Model (DOM). Written by developer Nathan Bubna, HTML.js lets you traverse and search the DOM with intuitive, readable, consistent code for both nodes and arrays of nodes, and access document elements via their tag name. Despite having the same name as the popular coding language, this HTML JavaScript library will not be about AJAX or JSON or CSS. It is about interacting with your document’s HTML structure in JavaScript.
#4: TextBlob
This Python (2 and 3) library posted by Steven Loria processes textual data to provide a simple API for diving into common natural language processing tasks, such as part-of-speech tagging, noun-phrase extraction, sentiment analysis and translation. Its other features include tokenization (splitting text into words and sentences), word and phrase frequencies, n-grams, word inflection, and JSON serialization. Not to mention TextBlob also has language translation and detection powered by Google Translate.
#5: Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a front-end CSS framework for faster and easier Web development, created and maintained by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton. It uses Grunt with convenient methods for working with the framework. Bootstrap includes a responsive, mobile-first fluid grid system that appropriately scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases. It includes predefined classes for easy layout options, as well as powerful mix-ins for generating more semantic layouts.