The Bootstrap team has released an alpha of Bootstrap 5. Two significant changes in Bootstrap 5 are that it no longer depends on jQuery and support for Internet Explorer is gone. Other improvements intended for the 5.0 release include a new API, changes to the grid system, and improved documentation. According to the team, removing … continue reading
The Bootstrap team is nearing its mission to completely remove jQuery from its framework in favor of JavaScript. Bootstrap is an open-source framework for responsive mobile solutions on the web. The team recently released version 4.3 of the framework with its plans to remove jQuery. “The cat is out of the bag—we’re dropping our largest … continue reading
Microsoft is one step closer to TypeScript 3.0 with the latest release candidate of the JavaScript superset programming language. TypeScript 3.0 RC features project references, extracting and spreading parameter lists with tuples, richer tuple types and support for React’s defaultProps. According to the company, the biggest feature it worked on for this release is the … continue reading
Google has announced a new probabilistic programming toolbox for for its machine learning framework TensorFlow. TensorFlow Probability is designed to help researchers and practitioners build sophisticated models. According to the company, this will come in handy for users looking to build a generative model of data, looking to quantify the uncertainty in predictions, trying to … continue reading
The Bootstrap team has announced that after years of development Bootstrap 4 is finally here. Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing HTML, CSS and JavaScript applications. The latest release makes some key improvements over the previous versions. “Since our last beta, we’ve been hard at work stabilizing a few key pieces of our … continue reading
2016 came to a close with JavaScript as the No. 1 development tool. StackShare, a company with a mission to help developers find the best tools, has released its data on the top tools of 2016 that developers should put on their radar for 2017. “It took a bit of time to comb through the … continue reading
JavaScript is empowering JavaScript to build a 3D JavaScript conceptual city. If that sounds meta, it’s because this week’s featured GitHub project, JSCity, is an implementation of the CodeCity source-code visualization environment brought to life with three.js, the popular JavaScript library enabling 3D visualizations, to illustrate facets of the JavaScript programming language as the infrastructure … continue reading
JavaScript is everywhere. Once relegated to an Internet fad, the malleable programming language has evolved along with the Web and now finds itself entrenched in modern browsers, complex Web applications, mobile development, server-side programming, and in emerging platforms like the Internet of Things. Underlying that browser-centric user and developer shift, JavaScript has developed a robust … continue reading
HP has announced a new set of computer monitors with interactive virtual reality displays. The new HP Zvr virtual reality display allows users to rotate, manipulate and navigate virtual-holographic 3D images. “HP’s new displays complement our goal of delivering new technologies that maximize the visual experience and change the way people work and create,” said … continue reading
#1: Material design for Bootstrap This week’s top project is an easy way to use the new Material Design guidelines by Google in Bootstrap 3-based applications. Just include the theme right after the Bootstrap CSS and add JavaScript at the end of the document, and the theme converts everything to Material Design style. Developed by … continue reading
#1: AngularJS + Bootstrap Responsive Dashboard When developer Elliot Hesp lacked a simple responsive dashboard during a project, he decided to make one. This dashboard front end eschews jQuery for a more responsive design. The dashboard’s sidebar toggle is managed by AngularJS, while the grid layout and components are built with the Bootstrap framework. It’s … continue reading
#1: Awesome Go Following in the footsteps of Awesome PHP and Awesome Sysadmin, feature in a previous GitHub Top 5 , is a list, curated by Thiago Avelino of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. From databases, machine learning and testing to third-party APIs, web frameworks and tools, Awesome Go has something for all your Go programming needs. #2: Awesome Python … continue reading