BACtrack Vio Smartphone Breathalyzer
Some of the other gifts on this list may be a bit more fun, but with office holiday party season coming up, no other gift will be more practical. Pop the breathalyzer on a keychain and sync it with your smartphone, and you’ll have a 5-second test to see if you’ve had one too many right in your pocket.
Flux Capacitor USB Car Charger
Rather than actually buying a crappy DeLorean for your beloved “Back to the Future” nerd, here’s a flux capacitor they can plug into their nice modern car, and charge two smartphones at a time to boot. They’ll still have just as big of an excuse to yell “GREAT SCOTT!” in traffic, and it doesn’t require nearly as much power as 1.21 GIGAWATTS?!
Remember when we told you about Cardboard, Google’s do-it-yourself smartphone virtual reality glasses, back at Google I/O? Well, the prebuilt VR headsets are going for about $20 on Amazon. For a lot less money than an Oculus Rift, this low-tech gift can turn your smartphone into a VR headset complete with an open-source toolkit and an Android app. But better yet, get the Cardboard kit and just build one yourself.