Cyanogen has announced a new integrated mobile platform designed to change the way users, developers, OEMs and MNOs build and interact with mobile devices. MOD provides developers with APIs they can use to implement intelligent, contextually aware and lightweight experiences natively into the mobile operating system. It also allows users to extend the functionality of their devices.
“We think people are intuitively looking for a more natural way to interact with [their devices],” said Kirt McMaster, CEO and cofounder of Cyanogen. “MOD enables this by effectively creating a new runtime, a new way to build services for the Android super platform. Mods are something entirely different. We are excited to be working with many partners around the world who understand the new vision of computing that MOD enables for Android, and we look forward to seeing the innovations that arise from it.”
(Related: Cortana comes to Cyanogen OS)
According to Cyanogen, only a select group of apps have the ability to natively integrate into the OS. Mods aim to remove the barriers for developers to deeply integrate their applications across the entire OS.
The company is also announcing MOD Ready, a new program designed to accelerate the development time of new devices and services. As part of the program, Cyanogen will provide a Platform Development Kit that consists of the major components necessary to launch a MOD-enabled device.
The MOD platform is expected to roll out next month on Cyanogen OS 13.0+ devices.