With only two weeks left in its Indiegogo campaign, the Ubuntu Edge is still more than $23 million short of its $32 million goal, but yesterday it got a substantial boost from its first major corporate backer, Bloomberg LP.
Bloomberg LP pledged $80,000 to the campaign as part of Ubuntu’s Enterprise 115 bundle, which includes a batch of 115 Ubuntu Edge devices—which will dual-boot between Android and the Ubuntu mobile OS including attachment support for a monitor, mouse and keyboard—and access to Ubuntu workshops and technical support. On the heels of Bloomberg LP’s support, Ubuntu announced it has fixed the price of the Edge at $695. 
As SD Times previously reported, Ubuntu’s crowdsourced fundraising campaign is attempting to make history, building a smartphone from scratch that doubles as a full computer. The Ubuntu Edge will enter production only if the Indiegogo campaign raises the $32 million before 11:59 PT on Aug. 21.