We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 0.6.13!

This release contains one particularly anticipated feature: the ability to generate CommonJS modules with Scala.js! It also standardizes on Node.js as the default runner for all sbt projects (with sbt run and sbt test), which constitutes a breaking change for builds. Read on for more details!

Getting started

If you are new to Scala.js, head over to the tutorial.

Release notes

As a minor release, 0.6.13 is backward source and binary compatible with previous releases in the 0.6.x series, although build definitions are not. Libraries compiled with earlier versions can be used with 0.6.13 without change. However, it is not forward compatible: libraries compiled with 0.6.13 cannot be used by projects using 0.6.{0-12}.

Please report any issues on GitHub.

Breaking changes

This release changes the default JavaScript interpreters used to perform sbt run and sbt test. Until 0.6.12 (and since 0.6.6), the defaults were:

  • Rhino by default
  • Node.js with scalaJSUseRhino in Global := false
  • PhantomJS with scalaJSUseRhino in Global := false and jsDependencies += RuntimeDOM

The new defaults are the following:

  • Node.js by default
  • Node.js + jsdom with jsDependencies += RuntimeDOM

Note that Node.js and jsdom need to be installed separately on your system.

We decided to standardize on Node.js for all command-line executions by default because it is always the best alternative. Rhino is extremely slow. Although using it by default works out-of-the-box, it caused a number of users to stick to it and discovering months or years later that their tests could run 10x-100x faster by switching to Node.js. PhantomJS, on the other hand,reportedly suffers from significant issues. jsdom seems to be better maintained at this point.

You can restore the previous behaviors with the following sbt settings:

  • Rhino: scalaJSUseRhino in Global := true. Rhino is however deprecated, and will not be supported anymore in 1.0.0.
  • PhantomJS: jsEnv := PhantomJSEnv().value.

Remember that you can also use Selenium with Scala.js, using scalajs-env-selenium.

Deprecation: @JSGlobalScope replaces extends js.GlobalScope

As indicated by a deprecation warning, extends js.GlobalScope should not be used anymore. Instead, you should annotate the object with @JSGlobalScope. For example, this old snippet:

import scala.scalajs.js

object Foo extends js.GlobalScope

should be replaced with

import scala.scalajs.js
import js.annotation._

object Foo extends js.Object

@JSImport and emitting CommonJS modules

This is a long-awaited feature! Scala.js can now emit CommonJS modules (i.e., those used by Node.js, as well as several bundlers).

Enabling CommonJS module

You can enable emission of a CommonJS module with the following sbt setting:

scalaJSModuleKind := ModuleKind.CommonJSModule

When emitting a CommonJS module, top-level @JSExported classes and objects are stored in the exports object, so that they can be required from other CommonJS modules.

Obviously, this requires that you use Node.js for sbt run and sbt test (should you use them at all), and that you use a JavaScript bundler such as Webpack to create a bundle fit for use in the browser. At the moment, Scala.js does not provide any facility to do so.

Emitting CommonJS modules is also not compatible with persistLauncher := true, as a different launcher needs to be emitted for fastOpt versus fullOpt.

You can find more information on module support in the documentation.

Importing stuff from other CommonJS modules

To import other CommonJS modules from Scala.js, you should use @JSImport (Scaladoc). Semantically speaking, @JSImport is an ECMAScript 2015 import, but Scala.js desugars it into a CommonJS require. Let us see an example first:

import scala.scalajs.js
import js.annotation._

// ES6:      import { Foo } from "bar.js"
// CommonJS: var Foo = require("bar.js").Foo;
@JSImport("bar.js", "Foo")
class Foobaz(var bar: Int) extends js.Object

val foo = new Foobaz(5) // JS: new Foo(5)

If the module exports top-level functions or variables, you should create an object representing the module itself, like this:

// ES6:      import * as bar from "bar.js"
// CommonJS: var bar = require("bar.js");
@JSImport("bar.js", JSImport.Namespace)
object Bar extends js.Object {
  def aFunction(x: Int): Int = js.native

val result = Bar.aFunction(5) // JS: bar.aFunction(5)

Note that importing with @JSImport is completely incompatible with the jsDependencies mechanism. If you use @JSImport, you have to manage your JavaScript dependencies on your own (possibly through npm).

You can find more information on @JSImport in the facade types documentation.

New Java libraries

  • java.util.Timer
  • java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray
  • java.io.DataInputStream (was already available with scalajs-javalib-ex, but is now available by default)

Bug fixes

Among others, the following bugs have been fixed in 0.6.13:

  • #2592 Yet another String.split() inconcistency
  • #2598 FrameworkDetector swallows the stderr output of the JS env
  • #2602 Linker thinks it’s used concurrently when in fact it’s been made invalid after an exception
  • #2603 Inner def with default param in a Scala.js-defined JS class produces invalid IR
  • #2625 Outer pointer checks fail in 2.12 (not fixed in 2.12.0-RC1)
  • #2382 Name clash for $outer pointers of two different nesting levels, only for 2.12.0-RC2 onwards (not fixed in 2.10, 2.11, nor 2.12.0-RC1)

You can find the full list on GitHub.