Some developers are talking about a new GitHub project that they claim is the easiest way to build isomorphic JavaScript apps using React and Redux. After giving it a look, we decided to feature it for our SD Times GitHub project of the week. Can you feel the MERN yet?
MERN is a scaffolding tool that makes it easy to build isomorphic apps using Mongo, Express, React and NodeJS. It minimizes the setup time and gets you up to speed using proven technologies, according to the project’s website.
Why use MERN? For starters, no configurations and setup. Just MERN and you are good to go. MERN is built on the solid foundations of React and Redux, which allows for production ready isomorphic apps to be created easily.
MERN uses webpack for bundling modules. There are two types of webpack configs: one for development and one for production. They are minimal and beginner-friendly, and developers can customize and add more features to them for production.
As for the server, MERN uses the Express.js Web framework. According to MERN’s documentation: “The app sits in server.js where we check for NODE_ENV. If NODE_ENV is development, we apply webpack middleware for bundling and Hot Module Replacement.”
If you are looking for a quickstart, make sure your MongoDB is running and cross-env is installed globally before running.
See what real developers think of MERN:
And this:
And of course, this:
More information and feedback can be found at the project’s Hashnode page.
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