#1: Neovim
Vim is a powerful text editor with a large, constantly growing community. But it’s 20 years old, and over two decades it’s accumulated about 300,000 lines of scary C89 code, and there’s only one guy responsible for patching the codebase. Neovim is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor vim source code in order to achieve the following goals:
• Simplify maintenance to improve the speed that bug fixes and features get merged
• Split the work between multiple developers
• Enable the implementation of new/modern user interfaces without any modifications to the core source
• Improve the extensibility power with a new plug-in architecture based on co-processes. Plug-ins will be written in any programming language without any explicit support from the editor
#2: ShareLaTeX
ShareLaTeX is an online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor that runs local versions for hosting, editing, compiling and collaborating in real-time on LaTeX documents. ShareLaTeX uses a service-oriented architecture with small APIs that communicate over HTTP and Redis Pub/Sub channels. This repository pulls together all of the different services and allows you to set up and run them quickly.
#3: ArnoldC is so cool we wrote a whole separate story about it. Click the link. DO IT NOW!
#4: Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons (RRSSB)
RRSSB, created by KNI Labs, is an extremely flexible system that would work in any container that eliminates the need for custom social sharing buttons. Built with Sass, RRSSB can be easily customized by tweaking a few variables. SVGs allow for tiny file size and retina support, and they add or remove icons as necessary; the rest will fill in automatically in the container.
#5: q
Developed by Harel Ben-Attia, q is a tool designed to provide a bridge between the world of text files and SQL by treating text as a database. q wants to treat text the way SQL treats data, not as bytes and chars, but by declaratively defining what the programmer wants without caring how it’s done.