Monitoring applications in modern software architectures

In today’s modern software world, applications and infrastructure are melding together in different ways. Nowhere is that more apparent than with microservices, delivered in containers that also hold infrastructure configuration code. That, combined with more complex application architectures (APIs, multiple data sources, multicloud distributions and more), and the ephemeral nature of software as temporary and … continue reading

Editor’s Blog: VSM reaches down to development teams

The notion of creating value streams to improve organizational efficiency and deliver higher-quality products certainly is resonating at the C-level and mid-management in large enterprises. Yet, uptake among development teams charged with creating those products has been slower to happen. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that value stream management (VSM) … continue reading

Catchpoint adds ‘user sentiment’ to experience monitoring platform

Catchpoint today announced it is adding the ability to capture user sentiment to its digital experience monitoring platform. According to Catchpoint’s announcement, the new capability will offer enterprises “broader insights into the overall health and performance” of their applications and services. The offering rounds out the platform, which already performs synthetic, network, endpoint and real … continue reading

Industry Watch: COVID-19 has exposed lack of planning

Over the years, we’ve written a lot about disaster planning and recovery, the need for backing up systems and business continuity. While many large organizations have their data in redundant locations — either their own data centers or cloud-provided regions around the world, smaller organizations have looked at disaster recovery in the same way they … continue reading

Developers buying in to security tasks

Security has become enough of a drumbeat issue that its importance has trickled down from the CISOs through the security organization to software developers. And slowly but surely, developers are beginning to take ownership of security as a part of the development life cycle. But this heightened awareness of security hasn’t necessarily led to better … continue reading

Monitoring tools need to evolve

People have come to expect a certain level of performance from their applications, whether using a consumer application, such as a retail website, or using a business application to get their jobs done. But most monitoring solutions have not adapted to this collapsing of the consumer and business worlds into one, making it difficult for … continue reading

Digital experience monitoring: An outside-in view

Gartner research describes three things that are required  for a solution to be categorized as application performance monitoring: application discovery, diagnostics and tracing; data analysis; and digital experience monitoring. Digital experience monitoring, or DEM as it is sometimes called, is different from the other types of monitoring because it takes an outside-in view of the … continue reading

APM, AIOps and Observability

Monitoring your applications comes in many forms. There’s traditional application performance management, which begat AIOps, which begat observability. But are there really any differences? If so, where are they? Some believe these are marketing terms used to differentiate tools. Others point to it as more of an evolution of monitoring. All that said, the performance … continue reading

Industry Watch: Home is… where I always am!

The novel coronavirus pandemic has forced many of us to change our routines. Perhaps the biggest of these changes is the fact that now, many of us are working from home for the first time.  In the software industry, remote work — or telework, as it’s sometimes called — is fairly common. But in magazine … continue reading

Gartner’s 3 requirements for APM

APM, as Gartner defines it in its Magic Quadrant criteria, is based on three broad sets of capabilities, and in order to be considered by Gartner an APM vendor, you have to have all three. Charley Rich, Gartner research director and lead author of its APM Magic Quadrant, explained: The first one is digital experience … continue reading

Application Performance Monitoring: What it means in today’s complex software world

Software continues to grow as the driver of today’s global economy, and how a company’s applications perform is critical to retaining customer loyalty and business. People now demand instant gratification and will not tolerate latency — not even a little bit. As a result, application performance monitoring is perhaps more important than ever to companies … continue reading

SD Times Blog: What is our future?

A recent Zoom meeting saw Catchpoint founder and CEO Mehdi Daoudi sitting in the garage of his Los Angeles home, far from his New York City offices, explaining to me that’s where he and his early team built their first server on the way to building out a very successful monitoring enterprise. He was in … continue reading

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