Allow some self-indulgence as we celebrate 20 years. Growing up, I always wanted to be a sportscaster, having worshipped at the temple of the great Marv Albert (“kick SAVE and a beauty!). I went to the University of Maryland for journalism to begin the quest, and walked into the radio station, declaring, “I’m here to … continue reading
Awareness around and adoption of Kubernetes has been nothing short of phenomenal. When it was new, and the KubeCon conference had just begun, sessions were highly technical, aimed at practitioners looking to build out and manage containerized applications. Most enterprise executives were likely not even aware. I attended last year’s event and spoke with quite … continue reading
Our industry has a dirty little secret. Come closer, I’ll whisper it to you. (Much of the data held in organizational databases, warehouses, lakes and stores is not very good.) There, I’ve said it. Data quality remains a persistent problem for enterprises, and there are many reasons as to why. It could be that fields … continue reading
According to Gartner Technical Professionals analyst Matt Brasier, the answer is a definite ‘yes.’ He explained: “First of all, integration specialists will still need to do all of the hard bits of integration; the bits at the back end where you don’t have a REST API exposed by the system because it’s a 15-year-old ERP … continue reading
Organizations are looking for collect and analyze data faster, and in more real-time as well. So, does moving to an event-driven approach to data improve on batch processing? Gartner analyst Matt Braiser said, “Rather than having your sales figures move in a batch overnight and then having a reporting tool that runs on that and … continue reading
Software development has changed, moving from monolithic code blocks to a cobbling of open source and services. Delivery has changed, as organizations moved from on-premises servers to the cloud, and end points such as smartphones and all manner of IoT devices have become ubiquitous. How data is distributed and consumed has changed, as containers may … continue reading
Instana today announced the acquisition of three companies that it says adds up to its vision to create an observability tool for modern cloud applications. The three companies Instana acquired are StackImpact, a production-grade profiler; Signify, a tool for understanding the health of microservices; and BeeInstant, a scalable and performant real-time back end for customized … continue reading
Software development and delivery practices continue to evolve and change, so on the heels of the late October DevOps Enterprise Summit, attendees and journalists alike have been asking, ‘Where does it all go from here?’ One area involves value streams, the creation of which allow organizations to see waste in their organization and eliminate for … continue reading
Fifteen years ago, the Hadoop data management platform was created. This kicked off a land rush of companies looking to plant their flags in the market and open-source projects began to spring up to extend what the platform was designed to do. As often happens with technology, it ages, and newer things emerge that either … continue reading
New ways of doing work, such as shifting from a project mentality to a value-centric product mentality, spurs the need for new roles in software. That was the focus of a session here at the DevOps Enterprise Summit this morning presented by Dominica DeGrandis, the new principal flow advisor at Tasktop, who outlined the difference … continue reading
You’re working on a project that’s months late and millions over budget. Your developers move at a snail’s pace, being held up by unfilled requests server environments, authorizations to access needed data, and even to the codebase. You’re frustrated, your managers are mad and worried for their job security, and execs are jumping ship — … continue reading
Richard Stallman, an industry icon who created the first open-source operating system and has spent his career fighting for free and open software, resigned from his positions at the Free Software Foundation and MIT-CSAIL over remarks he made regarding, of all things, the Jeffrey Epstein case. The blowup occurred in response to a Facebook event … continue reading