Spoon provides streaming server that bypasses runtimes

A new streaming server, Spoon, loads applications over the Web without requiring runtimes or downloads … continue reading

Single runtime pulls together business processes

Oracle has added BPM features to Fusion middleware in its new Business Process Management Suite … continue reading

Startup seeks out bugs that fly below radar

Jinx simulates the execution of parallel programs and forces concurrency bugs to happen, helping developers spot them … continue reading

Watts Humphrey shares his ‘Reflections on Management’

The former IBM director of programming has seen his share of successes and mistakes. He spoke to SD Times about them … continue reading

SharePoint Gives TechEd a Lift

TechEd saw more visitors and vendors this year, and SharePoint was a big reason why … continue reading

SharePoint Tools Rolled out at TechEd

Third parties were out in force with tools for .NET, PowerShell, security and more … continue reading

Partners put on a show at TechEd

Several third parties showed off standalone tools, plug-ins and add-ons … continue reading

Infragistics brings data visualization to WPF controls

Analytical formulas, a heat map and OLAP support have been added … continue reading

Microsoft sets rules for Windows Phone app distribution

There will be no limit to how many paid applications that can be submitted to the app store, plus support for price models … continue reading

At TechEd, Microsoft turns focus to Azure

Azure now supports .NET 4.0, along with new development tools for Visual Studio 2010 … continue reading

dynaTrace takes bottom-up approach to transaction management

Company extends its APM software with ability to provide more intelligence about apps … continue reading

ASP.NET: Shifting gears to the Web

Microsoft is moving the platform away from being Windows-oriented to allow for more contemporary Web development standards … continue reading

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