Fourteen DevOps technology leaders announced a new initiative to streamline DevOps adoption at this week’s Jenkins World. The new DevOps Express aims to help answer key questions such as where to start, what a typical DevOps stack looks like, how to learn from others, how to minimize risk, and how to ensure technologies will work together.
“By proactively integrating and supporting DevOps native solutions that have been proven in the real world, the founding members of DevOps Express are making it possible for organizations to accelerate their time to value,” said Wayne Jackson, CEO of Sonatype. “Our goal for DevOps Express is to create an essential resource for the community that is focused on an actionable buyer-oriented approach leveraging best-in-breed solutions.”
(Related: Why ‘DevOps’ will become completely normal)
Founding members include Atlassian, BlazeMeter, CA Technologies, Chef, Cloudbees, DevOps Institute, GitHub, Infostretch, JFrog, Puppet, Sauce Labs, SOASTA, SonarSource and Sonatype.
CloudBees unveils CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise and CloudBees Jenkins Platform 2
Jenkins and DevOps solution provider CloudBees announced new solutions and features at Jenkins World. CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise is a new Jenkins distribution focused on the enterprise. It features stable and certified distributions of Jenkins, as well as curated extensions from the community and third parties. The enterprise solution is made available by the company’s new CloudBees Assurance Program, which provides verification of Jenkins’ core components and open-source and third-party extensions.
The latest version of the CloudBees Jenkins Platform is based on Jenkins 2 and also features the CloudBees Assurance Program. In addition, it features a new digital assistant, an operational dashboard for large-scale Jenkins operations, Jenkins workload management, and the CloudBees knowledge base.
Jenkins Project releases beta version of Blue Ocean
The Jenkins project is giving the community a new tool for user experience. The Blue Ocean project is a modern UX designed to tackle modern Continuous Delivery (CD). According to the project team, Blue Ocean is designed from feedback it has received from Jenkins’ last three surveys. It provides a graphical overview of the pipeline in order for users to catch issues and find the source of problems.
“Jenkins is tremendously powerful for automating complex CD pipelines, but the user experience doesn’t fully accommodate the growing user base, which now includes casual users as well as the more traditional advanced users,” said James Dumay, Blue Ocean community lead and senior product manager at CloudBees. “With Blue Ocean, you get a simplified view of the CD pipeline and see only the most relevant and commonly accessed information. Therefore, you are not overwhelmed with an excess of nonessential data. We’re extremely focused on presenting information in a very visual and intuitive way to provide clarity at a glance for every member of a DevOps team.”
Undo introduces free Live Recorder plug-in
Next-gen Android and Linux debugging solution provider Undo announced an open-source plug-in designed to improve testing. The Undo Live Recorder aims to give developers precise visibility into their solutions, capture test failures, and provide offline debugging support.
“As a developer, understanding a test failure that happened in a CI environment has always been frustrating and painful,” stated Kohsuke Kawaguchi, CTO of CloudBees and founder of Jenkins. “Undo’s technology solves this problem by arming developers. Jenkins and Undo strengthen each other, and it’s a great combination to accelerate software delivery.”