#1: Tablesaw
Created by the Filament Group, Tablesaw is a group of plug-ins for responsive tables. The responsive modules include stack tables, toggle tables, swipe tables, mini maps, mode switching and column sorting, or a single table combining all of them called the Kitchen Table Sink.
#2: Single Element CSS Spinners
There’s nothing mysterious about this title. Single Element CSS Spinners are a collection of loading spinners animated with CSS. Developed by Luke Haas, each spinner consists of a single div so that developers can create sets of visually appealing yet minimal loading spinners that still convey their intended meaning.
#3: Drawille
This unique project from Adam Tauber draws pixel graphics in the terminal text editor with Unicode braille characters. Check it out:

#4: Grunt Email Design Workflow
“Designing and testing emails is a pain,” writes developer Lee Munroe, whose Grunt workflow for designing and testing e-mail templates with SCSS simplifies the design stage by compiling SCSS to CSS and inlining it, building e-mail templates, and sending test e-mails. The workflow combines Node.js, Grunt, Ruby, Premailer (to inline the CSS), Mailgun (to send the e-mail), optional Litmus e-mail testing, and optional Rackspace cloud to upload images to a CDN.
#5: October
October is a Content Management System (CMS) and Web platform whose sole purpose is to make development workflows simple. October’s developers feel building websites has become a convoluted and confusing process that leaves developers unsatisfied, so they designed October to get back to basics. The self-hosted CMS platform is based on the Laravel PHP Framework.