Electric Cloud, a leading DevOps optimization company, today announced that it is working with Wind River to demonstrate integrated Android lifecycle management technologies designed to help Android device manufacturers succeed in today’s highly time-constrained mobile marketplace. The demonstration highlights the Electric Cloud solutions which speed the development of Android applications and Wind River Test Management for software testing of Android-based devices.

Today’s Android device vendors are contending with many challenges. With newer Android operating systems being released at a rapid pace, the delivery of devices is still gated by how quickly device makers can build, test, and release their software on all OS. The combination of Electric Cloud and Android testing software from Wind River provides faster build, test and release process management, enabling customers to accelerate processes and tasks involved in the entire lifecycle and to deliver high quality Android devices faster to the marketplace.

“With an average Android device development cycle of roughly four months, the winners are being determined by who gets to the market first,” said Mike Maciag, CEO of Electric Cloud. “The matrix of OS, devices, and platforms that our customers have to manage is becoming more complex by the day. Together, Electric Cloud and Wind River technologies help automate, accelerate and bring visibility and control across the entire build, test and release process for the Android lifecycle as well as accelerate the entire process through ElectricCommander’s parallelization capabilities.”

An integrated Android solution simplifies, automates and accelerates the entire product development lifecycle for device manufacturers, from design through testing to compliance validation. Customers can leverage the benefits of an integrated workflow based solution to manage and automate the growing complexity and scale of the Android development lifecycle, enabling them to deliver high quality devices in shorter timeframes.

“As Android devices become increasingly sophisticated and delivery schedules shrink, companies are in need of expertise to accelerate the testing process, while ensuring a high level of quality and Android compliance,” said Ido Sarig, vice president of product marketing at Wind River. “Wind River Test Management coupled with Electric Cloud’s DevOps solution help Android device manufacturers simplify, automate, and strengthen the product development and testing lifecycle.”

Electric Cloud and Wind River solutions are available immediately.