EnterpriseDB, the leading worldwideprovider of PostgreSQL and Oracle compatibility products and services, today announced general availability of Postgres Enterprise Manager. Postgres Enterprise Manager allows developers and DBA’s to monitor, manage, and tune both PostgreSQL and Postgres Plus Advanced Server installations regardless of the platform they run on – from a single console application.
“Unlike other common monitoring applications, Postgres Enterprise Manager is designed from the ground up for use with PostgreSQL,” said Ed Boyajian, president and CEO of EnterpriseDB. “With Postgres Enterprise Manager, developers and DBA’s can monitor the workload on their servers to help find, diagnose and fix poorly performing queries. There is simply no other tool available today capable of such comprehensive management for PostgreSQL databases en-mass.”

Postgres Enterprise Manager includes the following enterprise-class enhancements:

· Enterprise Management – Management for large PostgreSQL database installations.

· Performance Monitoring Dashboards – Show at-a-glance information on I/O, storage, memory, user and session activity, wait statistics and more.

· Alert Management- Pre-defined and custom alerts warn the user when issues or potential issues are detected.

· SQL Profiler – Allows users to pinpoint, diagnose and fix poorly performing SQL code and trace SQL statements that are executed against one or more servers.

· Postgres Expert – A “DBA-in-a-Box” helps enforce PostgreSQL best practices with expert suggestions for schema design, security, configuration parameters, and more.

· Capacity Planning and Forecasting – Capacity Manager allows reporting and provides trend analysis over time to understand peak load periods, storage consumption trends and gives the ability to customize reports including both graphs and tabular data.

“Given the amount of commercial transactions processed daily, EnterpriseDB Postgres Enterprise Manager is the perfect solution to allow centralized management of our PostgreSQL installations,” said Keith Alsheimer, CEO.