Google recently released its open-source report card, and one particular project caught our eye, so we’ve decided to feature it as our GitHub project of the week. In today’s online software world, the demands are always changing, making it difficult for software developers to keep up. Yeoman is a set of tools designed to help developers build modern web applications.
“Yeoman helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive,” according to the project’s website.
The goal of Yeoman is to improve a developer’s workflow so they can worry about building apps instead of about the process. In the longer-term, the Yeoman team hopes to help developers create apps using modern technology.
According to the team, Yeoman is able to reach those goals with a generator ecosystem, a modular architecture, and useful documentation. “Through our official Generators, we promote the ‘Yeoman workflow.’ This workflow is a robust and opinionated client-side stack, comprising tools and frameworks that can help developers quickly build beautiful web applications. We take care of providing everything needed to get started without any of the normal headaches associated with a manual setup,” according to the site.
Yeoman includes three tools: yo, a build system, and a package manager. Yo writes the build configuration and pulls in relevant tasks and package manager dependencies developers might need. The build system is designed to help developers build, preview and test their projects. Yeoman’s most popular build system options include Gulp and Grunt. The package manager manages dependencies. The most commonly used package manager options include npm and Bower.
The tools are developed and maintained separately, but the Yeoman team makes sure they work well together.
Top 5 projects trending on GitHub this week
#1: Tesseract.js: Still trending! “Pure JavaScript OCR for 62 languages.”
#2. Yarn: You learned all about this dependency management project last week!
#3. The Open Guide to Amazon Web Services: A practical guide to AWS.
#4. Google Interview University: Become a Google software engineer with these detailed plans.
#5. FreeCodeCamp: Surprised?