GrammaTech, Inc., a leading manufacturer of source-code analysis tools, today announced CodeSonar for Java. The tool works on all Java code, including code written for Android. The analysis flags quality and security defects. It also works seamlessly with CodeSonar for C/C++, allowing developers to analyze code written in multiple languages and manage warnings in a single location, saving time.
“CodeSonar has always been popular with customers writing high-assurance software in C/C++. Many of our customers are also using Java. This release enables them to use a single tool with a unified user interface for both languages,” said Paul Anderson, VP of Engineering.
CodeSonar for Java also works in parallel with the popular open-source Java static-analysis engines FindBugs and PMD. Results calculated by FindBugs and PMD are automatically imported into CodeSonar, where developers can take advantage of CodeSonar’s superb warning management infrastructure and reporting. Among the benefits are easier and richer annotation of warnings, tracking of code-level metrics and visualization of quality trends. Users are also able to leverage CodeSonar’s numerous workflow automation features, such as the automatic assignment of a warning to the developer that made relevant modifications to the file.