The World Web Web Consortium (W3C)’s Web Platform Working Group today announced a new specification to replace the HTML 5.1 Recommendation. The team announced HTML5.2 is ready and now a W3C Recommendation.
“The HTML 5.2 specification defines the 5th major version, second minor revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features continue to be introduced to help Web application authors, new elements continue to be introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention continues to be given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability,” the group wrote in a post.
New features include the <dialog> element, integration with the JavaScript module system of ECMA-262, an update to the ARIA reference, and a referrer policy. “HTML is the World Wide Web’s core markup language. Originally, HTML was primarily designed as a language for semantically describing scientific documents. Its general design, however, has enabled it to be adapted, over the subsequent years, to describe a number of other types of documents and even applications,” the group wrote.
Also available today is the first public working draft of HTML 5.3, which will be the 5th major version, third minor release.