GULP! The Linker just learned he’ll have to speak in front of a packed house at SPTechCon SF in a couple weeks. While that’s a good problem to have, it is a problem nonetheless. You see, The Linker is quite a shy guy, so the prospect of this talk already has his palms sweating and his knees buckling. Maybe he’ll just turn it over to the editor of this newsletter (Dave Rubinstein, the conference chairman), and start the SharePint about six hours early! Anyway, here’s this week’s collection of links, which will not cause you great anxiety. Hope to see you in SF in two weeks!
Where to get SharePoint information worker content…
Iterating large SharePoint lists with PowerShell…
SharePoint adoption: Content and collaboration are just the start.
SharePoint 2010 user profile service and profile synchronization—a map…
Creating a Web Part with custom properties…
Not-so-random YouTube entry: Great speech!