The founder and president of the Free Software Foundation Richard Stallman has resigned in the wake of comments he made about accused sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and his victims. He is also removing himself from the foundation’s board of directors effective immediately. In addition, Stallman will no longer be a visiting scientist at MIT’s Computer … continue reading
I started building REST APIs a few years ago because I was desperately in need of a back-end engineer, and it seemed easier for me to just do it myself. That, of course, is how all classic software engineering problems begin and where many startups end, but I thought: How hard could it really be? … continue reading
With top-rated shows like “Orange is the New Black” or “House of Cards,” Netflix needs to have a well-versed integration test team to make sure each of its 80 million users are getting a great experience. With such a fast-paced environment, challenges are sure to come to the surface. Netflix’s product engineering integration test team … continue reading
The Linker was in the swamp a few days ago. He just missed that puma on the boardwalk. Good thing too, as he would have called it a pyu-ma. This should never happen… A Python to JavaScript transpiler with BabelJS… Tmux2html – Render full tmux windows or individual panes as HTML… A high level Lua … continue reading
The Linker is M.I.A., but one thing that will never go missing are these links… Swift enlightenment… Four key roles on agile software development teams… Software testing vs. software development… Take a step back before you refactor… A painless self-hosted Git service… A Python virtual environments primer… How to avoid brittle code… Concurrency in Rust… … continue reading
The Linker spent the entire past week playing with weird games, odd controllers, and even stranger nerds. It was a fun conference week, but now is the time to return to painting his astrological chart. Or rather, for him to get you your weekly links. FingerIO… Engineers shouldn’t write ETL… Org Mode for Sublime Text … continue reading
The Linker was abducted by a herd of Chinese acrobats who forced him to jump through hoops and wear a unitard. He successfully escaped by burning through the walls of his cell with extremely bad coffee, and has since been trying to earn the funds required to get him back home to his links by … continue reading
The Linker is drowning his A’s-based sorrows in gallons of alcohol. You should do the same. Google launches cloud platform for startups. Rust guide by Steve Klabnik… Awesome Node.js packages… Peter Thiel Ask Me Anything… Rethinking Prolog… Audio fingerpriting and recognization in Python… Automatic Docker service announcement with registrator… The state of ZFS on Linux… … continue reading
Today, The Linker is about to get on a plane. Since he is leaving on a jet plane, he leaves it to you to entertain his cat with your thoughts. His cat is psychic, you see, and can read your minds. Microsoft has changed its GitHub page. Gosu: A pragmatic language for the JVM… Sublime … continue reading
The Linker wonders if you’ve noticed anything different about SD Times lately. Newly redesigned SD Times Website! Weather-themed icon font… Irmin: Git-like branchable storage… How to get a job using technology you don’t know… Devicons: an iconic font for developers… Random solutions are often good enough. R3 bindings for Node.js… Anatomy of a system call, … continue reading
Web spreadsheet in 99 lines; open source SSH honeypot with API; virtual file system in PHP; and more … continue reading
Key elements of enterprise information architecture; manage your social and mobile workforce; Intranet portals; and more … continue reading
Exploring GitHub with algorithms; is TDD dead or not; best practices in modern Web projects; and more … continue reading
SharePoint basics; how to manage records in SharePoint; higher education websites built with SharePoint; and more … continue reading