RethinkDB, an open-source scalable database for the real-time web, today announced the release of RethinkDB 2.2. The new version significantly improves performance and scalability by up to 50 percent. It also features atomic changefeeds, which empower users to retrieve current data when they perform a query that streams live updates.
“Realtime applications are becoming increasingly important and there have been many developments that make it easier to build them,” said Slava Akhmechet, co-founder and CEO of RethinkDB. “The one thing that has been missing is the integration to the database. Existing solutions are complicated and require a lot of infrastructure. We listened to the feedback from our community of developers and we are thrilled to bring these new updates, which open RethinkDB up to being integrated with enterprise software.”
The new version of RethinkDB allows developers to use a single query to both retrieve current data and subscribe to a live stream of subsequent changes. In previous versions of the database, developers often had to use two separate queries to perform the same operation. Developers can now specify whether they want a changefeed to return the initial results, which makes it even easier to build realtime applications.