Threat Landscapes: An Upstream and Downstream Moving Target

AVAILABLE NOW Hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and calculated in the ways in which they deliver attacks upstream in the software supply chain. There are growing numbers of organized attackers whose sole focus is exploiting vulnerabilities in open source ecosystems, frequently by making their malware appear legitimate. What’s new is the intensity, volume, frequency, and … continue reading

Write a year’s worth of code in 8 hours: Accelerate your Java pipeline with AI-assisted coding

AVAILABLE NOW Modern development strategies employ different tactics to deliver code more quickly, from agile planning to cross-functional teams to ‘shift left’. Unit testing has an important role to play, accelerating cycle times by detecting regressions at the earliest possible stage. Since testing remains a significant bottleneck in most CI pipelines, the gains can be … continue reading

Modernize Your Pipelines with Best Practices Built-In

AVAILABLE NOW Declarative pipelines provide a more modern, opinionated approach to pipeline creation and management. But what are they really? What benefit do they bring to your CI/CD processes? Our three expert panelists discussed: What declarative pipelines are and how they are used Where they are most useful Best practices around creating declarative pipelines in … continue reading

Introducing Contrast’s New Free Developer Security Tool – CodeSec!

AVAILABLE NOW As the need for code to be deployed faster grows every year, code scanning has become a great part of the developer role. As such, Dev teams need a simple-to-integrate security tool that allows them to secure code quickly and accurately without disrupting their workflow. That is why Contrast is proud to introduce … continue reading

Protecting your Spring Boot applications from recent critical vulnerabilities

AVAILABLE NOW Spring Boot is a common framework for building Spring-based applications. But all frameworks have their risks, and Spring Boot is no exception. Recently, zero day vulnerabilities in the Spring Framework and Spring Boot have created increased demand for security for Spring Boot. For example, Spring Boot was recently impacted by the SpringShell vulnerability … continue reading

Preventing common vulnerabilities with Kiuwan’s SAST, SCA & QA tools

AVAILABLE NOW | SAST is a vulnerability scanning method that identifies risks early in the CI pipeline or within the IDE. As security moves right, coverage becomes increasingly challenging by implementing security earlier in the development cycle with the use of SAST, SCA & QA  – it automatically reduces the remediation work that can arise … continue reading

Creating and Implementing a test automation strategy for mobile app quality

AVAILABLE NOW In this webinar, SD Times and Kobiton’s Dev Evangelist Shannon Lee, discuss the value and importance of implementing an automation strategy for mobile in order to maximize business growth, and avoid common troubles when getting started. Watch this video at your convenience to learn: What is a test automation strategy and why you … continue reading

Value Stream Management Then and Now: How VSM Has Transformed Across Two Decades From Manufacturing to Software Development

AVAILABLE NOW What better way is there to understand something than to consider its transformation through time and experience? This time, we are talking about Value Stream Management. In this webinar, SD Times is hosting a talk with ConnectALL’s newly appointed SVP of Operations and Customer Success Charles ‘Scot’ Garrison, and President & COO of … continue reading

GraphQL Security: Something Old and Something New

AVAILABLE NOW As an alternative, successor, and child to REST, GraphQL inherits the old security challenges of its antecedent and adds new security challenges of its own. In this session, we will review how to apply old REST security recipes in order to establish a solid baseline. Then, we will learn how to upgrade our … continue reading

The impact of Zero-Day Attacks on SSC management

AVAILABLE NOW Studying software engineering practices from 100,000 production applications and 4,000,000 open source component migrations, Sonatype uncovered eye-opening behaviors in modern software development, including a surprising trend that nearly 70% of dependency management decisions are suboptimal. Understanding these migration paths, helps make sense of part of the panic that ensued when a zero-day vulnerability … continue reading

VSMcon 2022

AVAILABLE NOW FOR ON-DEMAND VIEWING! This event focuses on bringing business and IT together. We expanded our 4th event lineup with more experts in Value Stream Management execution and optimization to bring you all the information you need to either start your value stream journey, or to improve on what you’re already doing. We cover … continue reading

Copilot to Cover: AI-augmented coding isn’t your robot overlord – it’s here to help

AVAILABLE NOW AI-augmented coding is here, and it isn’t your robot overlord – but it can make your coding life less tedious. Yes, that means Github Copilot, but there’s more to AI-augmented Java development than GPT-based auto-complete tools. Technologies like Google’s Alphacode and Diffblue Cover also use AI (in different ways) to help development teams … continue reading

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