The basic hallmarks for a coding bootcamp are to provide practical competencies to people who want to start a new professional coding career within a very short period of time. It means the high speed of knowledge transfer and a high degree of condensation of educational material.
Full-time bootcamps last about 3-4 months, and you have to commit your time and energy, as these courses are usually very intensive. Part-time courses can last even longer than six months, but you don’t have to give up your job and the time to absorb knowledge is not as strained. Think thoroughly about what will suit your needs best.
How to prepare? First, read the manual.
Before enrolling on a coding bootcamp read thoroughly what is offered, as some courses are for total beginners, others will require you to have the basic knowledge of English language and basic mathematics. The most important is to know if you will have to do pre-work or an introductory course — you need this information to plan your free time for gaining this knowledge.
What things will you choose to learn?
Some of the schools offer free consultations or online tests that will help you choose the language that is suitable for your needs, character, and predispositions. It is always worth checking before you decide to sign the final agreement. If you are not sure what language to choose then its popularity or job possibilities may be important as well. Find out what programming languages are being sought after in your area.
Online or on-site?
COVID pandemic made a lot of changes in the educational industry. Nowadays you can attend online classes without the fear that you will be missing out on some important aspects. Actually, not having to travel and commute may be the best option as you will gain more time for learning new things. Think about what will suit your needs best. There are some of us who prefer meeting in person and will appreciate group learning and external motivation.
Also, remember that some online e-learning platforms require logging in at a specific time. Consider what will suit your needs and daily schedule best.
The cost
The average coding bootcamp costs about $9,000 (8,000 euros) and the number of hours of live classes with lecturers may vary. Compare the prices and see how many hours of learning a course includes. You may prepare your own chart, as noting down and making comparisons may be really helpful in your final decision. Pay attention to how many hours of online consultation with a lecturer the course has as for sure some more complicated topics will appear during your learning process. The possibility to consult them individually will make a difference in your development.
Is it possible to complete the training?
You should always ask course advisors all the questions that come to your mind. It’s a great idea to ask what is the percentage of students that actually finish the bootcamp. Why? Because by asking more questions you can find out if the bootcamp was too intense or… too boring and didn’t meet the basic needs of students.
How to check the value?
Last but not least – what percentage of students who finish the bootcamp were employed within six months after completing it? It is wise to select a bootcamp that has a high alumni employment rate.
You’ve completed the bootcamp – what’s next?
There are many ways of job seeking when you want to change your career. Some bootcamps offer help in creating a project for your portfolio that will make you much more interesting for your future employer.
Last but not least – read the opinions of alumni
If you come close to the point of having your three coding bootcamps favourites then it is a great idea to read the opinions of graduates. Most of them have started from the same point as you did. Seek those opinions that have the most information about expectations versus reality. This will give you a good view of how the school represents itself on the Internet and how the alumni sum up the process of learning under its wings.
Take your time
Remember that for at least 3 months you will be working intensively to gain new skills so it is important to choose a place that will give you a feeling of the beginning of a great adventure with coding. A good bootcamp should also help you with gaining confidence in the job market.