The latest version of JetBrains’ Java IDE is now available. IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 includes several updates aimed at improving the daily experience of the platform.
It includes a new project-wide analysis feature that allows developers to track errors before compiling the code.
JetBrains also added a number of actions that will activate when a project is saved. These include things such as reformatting code and optimizing imports.
Markdown support has also been improved. Developers will now be able to convert .md files to and from different formats, configure image sizes, and use drag and drop to add images. There is also a new Floating Toolbar and JetBrains fixed list formatting issues.
Several user experience updates were also made, including:
- The ability to open locally stored Eclipse projects from the dedicated folder on the Welcome screen
- Use-case-specific Advanced Settings
- The ability to organize tool windows by dragging and dropping them
- Automatic cleanup of caches and log directories last updated over 180 days ago
- Alerts for missing plugins
- Improved back-and-forth navigation in preferences
- Accessibility updates for MacOS users, such as voiced suggestions for code completion, content of selected combo box and combo box lists, and the results of Search Everywhere queries.
There are a number of other updates in this release. More information is available here.